Primary school Chinese polyphonic characters summary, hurry to collect! _hu_ji_zh in San Juan
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Original Title: Primary School Chinese Polyphonic Characters Summary, Hurry to Collect! A polyphone is a word with two or more pronunciations. Different pronunciations have different meanings, different usages and different parts of speech. Collecting more of these polyphonic words to understand their different pronunciations and meanings will be of great help to children's future language learning. Today, the teacher specially organized this content, parents quickly collect it for their children to learn! 1. Du: ① d dōu (all is, all is right) ② d dū (capital, city) 2. For: ① w wéi (being, acting) ② w wèi (because, why) 3. Surrender: ① Ji jiàn (landing) ② Xi xián (surrender) 4. Back: ① B bi (backpack, schoolbag, carrying) ② B bèi (background, endorsement, vest) 5. Xing: ① X X ìn (happy, in high spirits) ② X X ìn (excited, Daxinganling) 6. Length: ① zh zhǎn (grow up, grow up) ② ch chán (Yangtze River, length, length) 7. Music: ① l l è (happy, happy) ② Yu Yu è (music, music) 8. Music: ① qqū (bend, twist) ② QQ (tune, song) 9. Appearance: ① Xi xiān (believe) ② Xi xiàn (photo) 10. Difficult: ① n nán (difficulty, problem) ② n nàn (refugee, victim) 11. Return: ① H hái (still, still) ② Hu huán (return books,mini tape measure, return things) 12. Seed: ① zhzhòn (farming) ② zhzhn (seed) 13. Hair: ① f fā (discovery) ② f fà (hair) 14. Turn: ① Zhu zhuàn (turn, spin) ② Zhu zhuǎn (turn, turn, turn) 15. Dry: ① G gān (clean, thirsty) ② G gàn (work, trunk) 16. Teaching: ① Ji jiāo (teaching) ② Ji jiāo (teaching, classroom, teacher) Expand the full text 17. Drifting: ① pi piào (beautiful) ② pi piāo (drifting) 18. Tie: ① Z zā (one tie) ② zh zhā (tie flower) 19. Pawning: ① d dān (at that time, on that day) ② d dàn (swindled,custom tailor tape, pawnshop) 20. Biography: ① Chu chuán (communication) ② Zhu zhuàn (biography) 21. Angle: ① Ji jiǎo (corner, angle) ② ju jué (protagonist, role) 22. Leave: ① Ji Ji (if, true or false) ② Ji Ji à (holiday, vacation) 23. Good: ① H hǎo (good person, good deed) ② H hào (studious, hobby) 24. Less: ① sh shǎo (how much) ② sh shào (juvenile) 25. Line: ① X xín (action) ② H hán (line) 26, place: ① ch chù (everywhere, everywhere) ② ch ch (prescription, get along) 27. Chao: ① ch cháo (toward) ② zh zhāo (rising sun) 28. Middle: ① zh zhōn (middle, China, center) ② zh zhòn (hit, win) 29. Weight: ① zh zhòn (important, gravity, weight) ② ch chón (redo, redo, overlap) 30. Run: ① B bën (run) ② B bèn (run) 31. Empty: ① K kōn (sky, large print tape measure ,bespoken tape measure, air) ② K kòn (blank, idle, empty) 32. Sleep: ① Ji Ji à o (sleep, nap)  Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor: (function() { function getBrandHtml() { var brands = [],custom tape measure, html = ''; for(var i = 0; i < brands.length; i++) { var brand = brands[i]; if(brands.length i+1) { html+= ''''; } else { html+= '''、'; } } return html; }; if(document.getElementById('linkBtn')){ document.getElementById('linkBtn').onclick = function() { $('#brands').removeClass('brand');$ ( '# tipInfo').text ( 'Real name responded'); $ ('#linkBtn').remove();$ ('.real-response .content').css('line-height', '20px');$ ('.real-response .time').css('line-height', '20px'); }; document.getElementById('brands').innerHTML = getBrandHtml(); }; })();。

1 year ago


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