Permanent Toenail Removal in Dhaka
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Permanent Toenail Removal


When it comes to foot health,toenail problems can be both painful and frustrating. In some cases,individuals consider permanent toenail removal as a solution. However, this decision should not be takenlightly, as it comes with its own set of pros and cons. In this article, wewill delve into the world of permanent toenail removal, examining theadvantages and disadvantages to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Permanent Toenail Removal

What Is Permanent ToenailRemoval?

Permanent toenail removal, also known as nail avulsion or onychectomy, is a medicalprocedure that involves the complete removal of a toenail and the nail matrix.This procedure is typically performed when a toenail becomes chronicallyinfected, deformed, or painful, and other treatments have proven ineffective.

How Is Permanent ToenailRemoval Performed?

The procedure is usuallycarried out by a podiatrist or a dermatologist. It involves numbing the toewith a local anesthetic, after which the toenail is carefully removed. Achemical or physical method may be used to destroy the nail matrix to preventregrowth.

Pros of Permanent ToenailRemoval

1. Elimination of Chronic Pain

One of the most significantbenefits of permanent toenail removal is the relief from chronic pain caused byingrown toenails, fungal infections, or trauma.

2. Prevention of RecurrentInfections

By removing the toenail andnail matrix, the risk of recurring infections is greatly reduced, providinglong-term relief from nail-related issues.

3. Improved Aesthetics

For individuals with severelydamaged or disfigured toenails, permanent removal can improve the appearance ofthe toe, boosting self-esteem.

4. Quick Recovery

Recovery time after permanenttoenail removal is relatively short, with most individuals able to resumenormal activities within a few days.

Cons of Permanent ToenailRemoval

1. Irreversible Procedure

Once the toenail and nailmatrix are removed, they do not grow back. This irreversible nature can be adisadvantage for some, as it permanently changes the appearance of the toe.

2. Potential for Infection

While the procedure aims toeliminate infections, there is a slight risk of infection during the healingprocess.

3. Temporary Discomfort

Immediately after theprocedure, there may be some discomfort, which usually subsides within a fewdays.

Is Permanent Toenail RemovalRight for You?

The decision to undergo permanent toenail removal should be made in consultation with a healthcareprofessional. Consider your pain level, the frequency of infections, and youraesthetic concerns when making this choice.


Permanent toenail removal canprovide relief from chronic toenail issues and improve the overall health ofyour feet. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully beforeopting for this irreversible procedure. Always consult with a medical expert todetermine the best course of action for your specific condition. 

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