Vietnamese Cashew Nut Kernels WS, LP in Mexico City
ID Number: 618A4310408E7   
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We are representatives of many direct exporters/ processors. Wewould like to connect with international cashew buyers.

We can supply in bulk quantity, regular shipment

- Viet Nam cashewkernel:  WW240, WW320, WW450, WS, LP, SP,SW320, SW240, LBW. BB, LWP, cashew powder, etc

Our policy to guaranteethe best quality for every shipment @ very Original Prices, punctual shipmentto even the most selective buyers. 

For the best quotation,plz kindly contact:


      Viber/Whatsapp: +84932874816

Informations complémentaires
  • Condition New
2 years ago


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  • Rencontrer le vendeur dans un lieu public
  • Vérifiez l'article avant de l'acheter
  • Payez seulement après avoir récupéré l'article

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